Wellspring: Screenplay Formatting

Screenplays are notoriously finicky to format, to the point where Whole-Ass Programs are made to manage it. But if you're just want to publish a webpage, that’s a bit much. So, instead:

  1. Write markdown approximating a script:
    ## ext. london streets - night
    It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents - except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind, and so on and so on.
    *john everyman*
    Getting all the cliches in, huh? You know self-aware protagonists are **also** a cliche, right?
    *to self*
    Wait, but then is this... whatever.
  2. Copy Wellspring’s CSS into your output HTML.
  3. Publish!

The previous Markdown would be formatted like so. Inspired by Fountain, a custom markdown language that can be imported into the aforementioned Whole-Ass Programs.
